Category: Health and Healthcare

Drink Java, Live Longer

I just finished another delicious, life-giving cup of coffee. I’ve always known my regular obsessive consumption of the juice of the sacred bean had beneficial effects. And a recently-published study confirms it… again! With or without added sugar, I hasten to add. Here’s to… Continue Reading “Drink Java, Live Longer”

Strolling Down Blue Jay Way

One of the better things that have come out of the COVID-19 crisis for me is that my girlfriend and I have definitely gotten to know our neighborhood much better. We take our evening stroll about 4-5 times per week and have come to… Continue Reading “Strolling Down Blue Jay Way”

What next? Bill Gates has some thoughts

Like so many of us, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the last few weeks wondering how our current devastating health crisis is going to affect our lives going forward.  Our lives and our collective life, together, on this planet. I just… Continue Reading “What next? Bill Gates has some thoughts”

It’s World Health Day

The 7th of April is World Health Day each year. It’s always a good time to show appreciation to our health care professionals but it seems all the more appropriate now that COVID-19 is ravaging our world. Nurses have been there for me in… Continue Reading “It’s World Health Day”

Heroes Are on Their Way

There’s no doubt that the healthcare catastrophe the world is facing now generates almost unlimited bad news. Like so many of us, when I read or hear good news, it’s a real ray of sunshine piercing through what seems like an impenetrably dark cloud.… Continue Reading “Heroes Are on Their Way”

Coronavirus, the risks of comparison and a Silver Lining

It’s natural that when we have a new threat–talking about the Coronavirus–that we compare it to something we already know about. But the Coronavirus is very different from the flu that we’re all very familiar with. Different in several important ways. This article will… Continue Reading “Coronavirus, the risks of comparison and a Silver Lining”

Do our food choices matter?

Yes, they do. The food choices we make are very important, and in ways you may not have thought about. The ways we choose to eat have big effects on our economy, the environment, our healthcare system and certainly on animals. The effects that… Continue Reading “Do our food choices matter?”

Fine Fotos: A Beautiful Nature Spot in the Middle of Orlando

As you guys know, posting pix of some of the beautiful places I visit is one of my very favorite things to do on my blog! I’m a total outdoor nut and proud of it! Well, I had to go to my pharmacy today… Continue Reading “Fine Fotos: A Beautiful Nature Spot in the Middle of Orlando”

It’s exactly Midnight, Monday is upon us, and…

As far back as I can remember, I’ve had a hell of a time falling asleep when the last few moments of the weekend slip away. Yes, that seam between the weekend and that dreaded new work-week. Gets me every time. I’ve tried many… Continue Reading “It’s exactly Midnight, Monday is upon us, and…”